Epilogue Part Two
Epilogue Part One
Chapter 21 PicTease
Chapter 19 PicTease
Chapter 18 PicTease
Chapter 17 PicTease
Chapter 16 PicTease
Chapter 15 PicTease:
Chapter 14 PicTease:
Chapter 13 PicTease
Chapter 12 PicTease
Chapter 11 PicTease
Chapter 11 Teaser
Thank you all for your reviews this week even though I haven't been able to respond individually. My new computer is on the way, so I should be good soon.
Over the next few days while Edward took care of me, he dropped the bomb that Sugar’s was holding an open mic night and that he had signed us, along with Jasper, up for three of their slots. I can only assume he took advantage of the fact that I was sick when he told me because if I would have had the strength, I’m certain I would have kicked his ass. As it was, I put him on the very tip top of the beast list. It was going to take some serious ass kissing to get himself out of this one.
He said he and Jasper would probably do a lot of their songs together, so they planned on sharing their slots. But there was one song that he had been writing during his planning periods at school that he wanted to sing with me. I told him I would do it but only if I got to choose a song that he would sing with me during my stage time. He didn’t hesitate.
Two weekends later we were already into the middle of October and that very night was upon us.
I was so nervous I thought I was going to be sick. I had never really played for an audience before, but Edward assured me that most of the people there were just locals and would be drunk anyway so it didn’t really matter. I’m not sure I agreed with his logic.
Alice and Rose had come over to the house and gotten me ready like they did the last time we went to Sugar’s. I had missed getting to spend time with them lately. Aside from our trip to the spa for my birthday, we hadn’t had much time to get together. They thought I was avoiding them because they made me get waxed…you know…down there. I may have been avoiding them a little bit at first, but I decided that I liked the change. I know it was appreciated by Edward when one of our make out sessions got pretty heavy. Hmmm…that train of thought was NOT going to help slow my breathing down any time soon.
Chapter 10 PicTease by bnjwl
Chapter 9 PicTease by bnjwl
Chapter 8 PicTease by: bnjwl
Chapter 7 PicTease by: bnjwl
Chapter 6 PicTease: by bnjwl
Chapter 5 pic teaser:

Chapter 4 teaser (because i had so many to leave reviews and put me on alert and because i cant wait for you to read everything i have...it's coming on the day that chapter 3 posts! go show chap 3 some love on FFN)
“So…the guitar? How long have you played?”
“I started when I was about ten, right after my parents divorced. I’m basically self taught. It’s just a hobby, you know, stress relief?” I said, while raising myself up to sit on the bar.
“I DO know. Why do you think I love my job? After a hard day, it’s easy to get lost in it.”
“Exactly. So…I’m guessing you play more than one instrument, being ‘The Music Man’ and all?”
“Yeah, my main ones are guitar, piano and the drums. But I learned a little bit of everything while I was in school.”
I could just imagine him playing his guitar, watching the muscles and tendons in his forearms flex as he moved through the different chords.
“So can I hear you play something?” he asked.
“What?! No way! You should have to play something for me as payment for that cupcake.”
He leaned back on the island opposite from me and took me in for a minute. Then he looked like he was thinking about it. He raised his eyebrow and I saw his mischievous grin take over. “Deal, but…I’ll only show you mine if you show me yours.”
“You heard me. I’ll go first, but then it’s your turn.”
I was going to have to kill him for that smart, sexy mouth. No good could come of this, of that I was sure.
Chapter 3 teaser
I wandered out to the back porch. It stretched most of the length of the house. There were rocking chairs, gliders and of course a swing at the end. I had grown to love the one at the other house so much that I was naturally drawn to rest there. I sat down low in the swing so I could rest my head and throw my hair over the back so that it wouldn’t stick to my neck in the heat of the unrelenting Alabama summer. I gave myself a little push, and closed my eyes, indulging in the feeling of the breeze that the ceiling fans were circulating. The warmth of it combined with my full belly and the rhythm of the swing had me nearly asleep in minutes. That is until I felt the sway of the swing stutter and the weight of it shift. I didn’t even have to open my eyes to know who it was.
The air had changed around me the moment he sat down and I couldn’t help the smile that pulled at the side of my mouth. I bit my lip trying to hide it.
“Good day for a nap,” he said lazily.
I turned my head to the side and spared him a glance out of one eye and said “I don’t usually sleep with someone I just met.”
He chuckled and put one arm across the back of the swing. “Yeah, you just give them a peep show instead?”
I blushed to my toes, I’m sure, at the memory of my barely there pjs. “Watch it, Cullen.”
“Oh, I tried to watch it. You just didn’t stay long enough to finish the show.”
(there is a picture of the Cullen's house under the tab titled "extra pics")
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