And that becomes our new norm, dinner together every
night. The first night with Rose,
Emmett, Jasper and Alice is…a little painful.
Why? The usual
suspect. Emmett.
Just as I’m about to say something, beg him to just shut the hell up already and to stop being such a
damn troll, Edward gives him this…look…and quietly growls ‘enough’ and that’s all it takes.
Where has that trick been all my life?
But before I can let that thought get too far, I realize…he just
stood up for me. I turn my head slowly,
taking in the strong lines of Edward’s all-too-gorgeous
profile and square jaw that flexes a little when he chews, and just stare at
him…in total awe.
It’s a little more
than possible that I want to have his green-eyed babies.
The others continue on in conversation, but he feels my eyes
on him and peeks at me out of the corner of his eye, like he’s not sure if he’s
crossed a line or not. I’m merely
grinning like an idiot.
“What?” he whispers.
I shake my head. “Just…never
mind. Nothing.”
He puts his fork down and sits back, licking his lips as he
finishes his bite. God, please let me do that for you.
“No, tell me…please.”
“It’s just…you. Thank you…for…that,” I say, motioning towards Emmett. “Sometimes he doesn’t realize he takes things
a little too far. I know he doesn’t mean
it, but…”
He shakes his head. “No,
Bella. He was upsetting you and that upsets me. Easy as.”
He digs right back into his spaghetti, which is the total death of me
when he purses those lips to suck up a noodle.
“Hmm.” I’m dumbstruck
that it’s that simple. But maybe that’s
what we’ll be. Simple. Easy as.
I place my hand on his thigh, gently and not too high…just yet…and lean in and kiss him right
below his ear on the popping edge of his jaw.
Mmm…tickly, scruffy, sunshiney
boy. My new favorite.
The tips of his ears blush as he wipes his mouth with a
napkin. His smile is tentative as he
asks me, “What was that for? Not that I mind.”
I shrug my shoulder. “I
just like you.” Honesty. Bravery.
He reaches down to his leg where my hand is still perched
just above his knee and twines his fingers through mine.
Never looking away, because it seems he always wants my full
attention, he brings our hands to his mouth and brushes the sweetest kisses
across every one of my knuckles.
“Good. Because I like
you, too.”
Edward sends me simple texts in the mornings; usually ‘good morning pretty girl’ or ‘hope you have an awesome day’ and even ‘can’t wait to see you in a few
hours’. He flirts with me every day
when he comes to study hall, smiling bright like it’s the highlight of his day,
and then after practice we have dinner together. It’s so new, and we’re still trying to figure
out the boundaries, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m ready for a little
more. I get the feeling he is too, but
something holds him back. He’s so
different from the other guys I’ve dated.
I don’t really have tons of experience, but I seem to be
attracted to the same kinds of guys…athletes.
And the one’s I’ve dated in the past…well, they’ve all been a little pushy. Like
they were entitled to anything I had to give them. So it’s Edward’s timidity that draws me to
him even more.
After dinner with our friends on Friday night, we walk hand
in hand-fingers, now, always laced
together-back to his apartment to watch a movie.
He makes us some popcorn as I put in The Social Network.
Note to self: Never mention to Emmett that we watched this
or my secret boy band crush on Justin Timberlake will be outted like
Ellen. Then I’ll have to cut him and our
moms would hate that.
He brings the overflowing bowl and two bottles of soft
drinks over to the couch where I’m sort of half-way sitting, just waiting for
him, because I’m not sure how we’re going to do this…like how close are we
going to sit?
I vote for in his lap,
but I’ll let him lead. He’s the man,
after all.
“Have you seen this, yet?” he asks, plopping down on the
cushion next to mine and mashing the play button on the remote.
“MmMm,” I say, muffled by the first sip of Diet Dr.
Pepper. Damn that’s a good burn.
“Oh, God, it’s so
good. Well, it is to me…you
know…computers and design and stuff.
Seeing how all the Facebook stuff came about…”
All I can do is smile at his nerdiness. Adorable.
“Sorry. I know I just
geeked out there for a minute,” he blushes.
“No, it’s fine. I
We sit close, hip to hip, with one of his arms draped across
the back of the couch and our socked feet rubbing up against each other and
sometimes tangling.
The movie is good, but it’s hard for me to follow all of it
when he’s making it so hard to concentrate, all fresh showered smelling and
flirty-fine in his worn jeans and old high school Tournament Champions t-shirt.
With every phone call, text and dinner together, we become
more relaxed, letting more walls down.
It’s nice when we decide to let go and just be in those moments.
At one point, the movie is forgotten because he starts a
tickle war when he not-so-accidentally
poked me in my side and I flinched and swatted at him.
Before long he has me wrestled to my back on the couch,
begging him for mercy.
“Mercy, or uncle…please, please, please,” I sputter through
laughter and try to push back at him.
When he realizes the position we’ve gotten ourselves into,
he abruptly stops and the alarm in his face worries me.
“Hey…what is it?” I ask, my fingers curling into the sides
of his shirt.
He squeezes his eyes shut, much like he did that first night
in front of my dorm…like he’s having to make split second decisions.
I rub my thumb along his jaw from just under his ear to the
slight dimple in his chin. “Hey…talk to me,” I beg.
Edward lets out a warm breath and admits, “I just really want to kiss you.”
Well, is that all?
“Then do.”
He shifts his weight to one side and my hand slides behind
his neck, fingers instantly twirling in his baby-fine hair.
He closes his eyes again, leaning in to nuzzle his nose
against mine, all sweetness and softness, and then just as gently his lips
brush against my cheek, the corner of my mouth, and finally my lips. First the top one, then he gives my bottom
lip that’s suctioned between his a little bit of a longer pull.
With more wet pressure against my mouth, a slightly
trembling hand slinks down my side and grips my hip. Shiver. My fingers are curled tightly; one hand
behind his neck and the other in his t-shirt, just trying to bring him closer.
I moan as his weight presses on top of me and our tongues
tentatively taste, then twirl. There’s a
lingering taste of buttery sweetness between us and my mind is lost, just wanting
him more and more.
When our breathing shallows, our kisses slow. Just a peck here and a nibble there.
With one last nuzzle and a lazy smile, he rolls to his side and
curls me into him; my head resting on his bicep and his nose skimming back and
forth along my hairline, breathing me in and peppering me with tender kisses. With his other arm draped over my waist, his
fingers draw slow circles on the small of my back, just beneath the hem of my
shirt, and I’m eaten up with slap-happiness.
He’s so warm and tender and I feel like I’m surrounded, protected, in his Edward cocoon.
So much so I don’t even realize that I’ve fallen asleep
there on his couch, in his arms, until I wake up…the next morning.
Oh, shit.
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